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Accidents & Injuries

Motor Vehicle Accidents & Whiplash

Injuries from a motor vehicle and other accidents often result in a variety of complex injuries and symptoms. It is not uncommon for individuals to feel little or no pain initially following an accident, but later feel symptoms of stiffness, dizziness, limited mobility, pain and headaches.

Seeing a physical therapist immediately following an accident can limit potential long-term effects associated with the trauma.  Auto injuries are a common source of chronic pain. Getting the proper treatment after your crash can be very important in recovering quickly. Our Doctors of Physical Therapy can also assist in treating the underlying trauma and helping your body heal even if your accident was weeks, months or years ago. 

The after-effects of an accident can by physically, emotionally, and financially challenging. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident or in a situation that involves a personal injury, Pain & Movement Solutions can help ease the pain and stress. We will work closely with your insurance company, attorney and any others involved in your care so you can focus on feeling better.

Workers’ Compensation

From traumatic events to repetitive motions required by some jobs, work injuries are an unfortunate part of life. Pain & Movement Solutions can help you make a swift return to work by providing a comprehensive and collaborative approach to ensure a positive experience and excellent outcomes.

From the desk jockey to the heavy manual labor worker, each job places its own demands on the body. Our Doctor of Physical Therapy will train you to successfully accommodate your movements and body to your working environment.

If you experienced an injury at work, contact us today to get feeling better faster. In the state of South Dakota, you do not need a referral to access physical therapy directly after an injury. We will work closely with your case manager and any others in your care so you can focus on feeling better.